Chapter Recap

I know a lot of time passes between each chapter posting, so here's a handy overview in case you've forgotten what Glass has been doing recently.

Chapter 1

Glass, an unemployed stuntgirl, and her pet turtle Bernard suddenly find themselves in a mysterious cabin by a lake, not knowing how they got there. Exploring the cabin, she finds a green envelope addressed to her by name begging for her help from someone named "Spindlewind". She is also attacked by some of the furniture. She runs into the living room and meets a grizzly bear.

Chapter 2

The bear introduces himself as Spindlewind. He says that they have both been kidnapped and trapped in this magical cabin, but he doesn't have time to explain more. He helps Glass escape out the chimney, and she runs toward the lake.

Chapter 3

Glass turns around, deciding to save Spindlewind. Before she can, a lightning bolt strikes the cabin, and it vanishes, leaving Spindlewind behind. Though he is free and unhurt, Spindlewind has lost his voice. The turtle Bernard runs away into the lake. Glass and Spindlewind chase him. When they resurface, they are in a different world.

Chapter 4

After swimming to shore, Glass notices Bernard being admired by forest animals before he is captured in a trap cage. Spindlewind runs away into the woods. Bernard's captors appear to be children with purple eyes who call themselves the Tweechens. They hold Bernard hostage and invite Glass to dinner. They tell her that they are in a paralell world and that they need her help escaping back into her world because they are being hunted by something called the Boogies. Glass considers her answer.

Chapter 5

Glass eats their food and agrees to help on the condition that they give her back her turtle. They agree, but discover that the turtle's missing. Enraged, the Tweechens blame Glass and attack her. She runs away into the woods. Becoming lost, she falls asleep in the darkness. She wakes up and finds Bernard has returned to her, and that she is being watched by a boy dressed like a crossing guard.

Chapter 6

The boy introduces himself as Jake, a "guard of the crossing", who protects the borders between Glass's world and the upside down world. He leads her to a secret path in the woods, which he claims leads to the Fortress of Glass, which has a portal back to her world. In the woods, they encounter an upside down lightning storm which sends them hiding in the trees. While up there, Glass sees Spindlewind running below.

Chapter 7

Spindlewind runs away before they can catch up with him. The lightning storm ends. Glass and Jake the crossing guard continue on their path, but the path is lost. Glass finds Spindlewind's footprints and follows them through the woods to a empty, grassy plain. There she meets three rogue Tweechens who each give her a different story about which way the Fortress is.

Chapter 8


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